
Welcome to POCUS BASICS .org. A page originally created as pre-course material for a course for Socialstyrelsen in bedside emergency ultrasound that took place 15th-19th November 2021 for medical interns in Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine (the first time ever that course was held!) at Karolinska Solna.

The course material consists of 10 modules, where modules 1-6 are the main modules and the protocols that the students are expected to practice for the hands-on part of the course. POCUS BASICS consists of the following ten modules:

Any feedback concerning the study-material on the 10 modules is greatly appreciated and can be sent to me via the contact form.

A little about me:

I have six years clinical POCUS experience from working in the Emergency Department in a Trauma-1 center and one of the largest university hospitals in Sweden, and I have been teaching and applying bedside ultrasound since I started working in the summer of 2016. I’m also a certified advanced CPR (A-HLR) instructor and SIMMAN (simulator) instructor.

I assist the clinic (and Colligo) with teaching and instructing bedside ultrasound regularly, and I have a 2-day course set-up and readily available where the participants either are expected to pre-study the material with more hands-on time or where lectures are incorporated too if you’d like both theory and practice to be included in the 2-day workshop. If you work in Sweden and would be interested in a 2-day POCUS course at your hospital/clinic, you can contact me for details here.

An example of the 2-day course schedule and curriculum can be found here (in Swedish).

Best regards,
Robert Tofan Taeri
M.D. & Course Instructor